Troubleshooting - EverTool

Cut the text to the clipboard

Error message:

Fails to transform the text. Please Cut the text you want to transform first

When you see this error message, it usually means you didn't cut the text to clipboard. Please cut the text you wanna transform first and then do the following actions.

Refer Three steps to get started to know more.

Cannot find image

Error message:

EverTool cannot find the image in the clipboard. Remember cut the image to the clipboard.

It usually means you didn't cut the image to clipboard. You should select the images and cut it to the clipboard.

Refer Resize image to same width to know how to use.

For Windows User:

Evernote windows application sometimes cannot cut the image by click selection. Please try to select the whole image then cut the image again.



Cannot find table

Error message:

Cannot find spreadsheet content. Please cut the spreadsheet cell to the clipboard

It usually means you didn't cut the spreadsheet to clipboard. Please select the spreadsheet in Excel, Numbers, Google spreadsheet or Evernote table and click the action.

Refer Excel, Google spreadsheet, Numbers to Evernote table to know how to use.

Cannot find link

Error message:

Cannot find the link in clipboard. Please cut the link to the clipboard

It usually means you didn't cut the url/link to clipboard. Please select the url you want to transform to Url + Title and click this action.

Refer Url → Url + Title to know how to use.

Internal Error

Error message:

Sorry, EverTool faced the internal error. It cannot finish this action

It means the action triggers some situations which cannot handle by EverTool.

Please contact us and let us know your action to help us fix this bug.